Canadian Poultry Magazine

Comfort 2INSIDE

By Canadian Poultry   

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Comfort 2INSIDEFeb. 19, 2010 – Jansen Poultry Equipment recently introduced its latest
development for housing of layers, the Comfort 2INSIDE.
The system has the same basic design as the Compact and Comfort 2
aviary / multi-tier systems and has been developed so that the birds
can move more easily among the
different tiers of an aviary row.

Feb. 19, 2010 – Jansen Poultry Equipment recently introduced its latest development for housing of layers, the Comfort 2INSIDE.
The system has the same basic design as the Compact and Comfort 2 aviary / multi-tier systems and has been developed so that the birds can move more easily among the
different tiers of an aviary row.

Comfort 2INSIDE  


Wire stairs have been incorporated between the different tiers, a feature that enhances the bird movement within an aviary row. Birds can easily reach feed, water and nest.
Fly-on platforms along the aviary system aren’t necessary anymore because the birds move inside the system. This allows the gangway to be wider.
The Comfort 2INSIDE aviary is equipped with the Twin World slat.

Twin World slat has the following advantages:
an open structure and minimal contact points, thus low dirt
accumulation and mite unfriendliness;

• has an integrated egg tray along the edge so that any system eggs can roll into the tray from the sloped slat;

• an integrated air manure drying tube that the hens keep clean and whose round construction provides optimal air drying.


For more information about this new product, please visit Jansen’s website,, or contact your local Jansen Poultry Equipment dealer.

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