Canadian Poultry Magazine

First inter-provincial traceability agreement

By Canadian Poultry   

Features New Technology Production


First inter-provincial traceability agreement

OnTrace Agri-food Traceability Inc., and Agri-Traçabilité Québec Inc., are pleased to announce that they have signed an agreement that will facilitate the exchange of information, used for uniquely identifying agriculture and agri-food premises.

Identification of locations is a basic requirement for traceability.

This is the first inter-provincial agreement between the two current provincial traceability services providers. It is noteworthy because it lays the groundwork for increased rapport and cooperation between the respective organizations; and for more effective coordination of a national response to emergencies relating to agriculture and agri-food products.

“This is a significant advance for traceability in Canada,” said Brian Sterling, Chief Executive Officer, OnTrace Agri-food Traceability Inc. While this agreement enables us to seamlessly share information about premises that are involved in movement of agri-food products between Quebec and Ontario, the long-term implications of the agreement are even more significant. This agreement opens the door to stronger and more mutually beneficial working relationships between the stakeholders in those provinces that are served by ATQ and OnTrace. In the future, it will be possible to streamline the exchange of commercial transactions by using premises data contained in our provincial systems.”

“We are very pleased to be taking these first steps towards setting up an interprovincial traceability system,” says Linda Marchand, General Manager of Agri-Traçabilité Québec.  The exchange of information between our two organizations will help improve the quality of information available for traceability. Through this agreement, OnTrace and ATQ are opening the way for the development of a truly national traceability structure.”


About ATQ

Agri-Traçabilité Québec is a not-for-profit organization based on a partnership between the Government of Quebec and industry stakeholders. Established in 2001, ATQ has developed a multi-species traceability system from the farm to the table that contributes to both food safety and the competitive capacity of Quebec farmers.
For further information, visit
About OnTrace

OnTrace is the industry-led not-for-profit corporation created to lead food traceability programs and initiatives in the province of Ontario. OnTrace’s goals are: to deliver traceability solutions that will enable the agriculture and agri-food industry in Ontario to become more innovative and competitive and; to strengthen the capacity of industry and government to respond to emergencies related to agriculture and agri-food welfare and public safety.
For further information, visit: .

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