Canadian Poultry Magazine

IWCA Series: Cheryle Warkentine

By Brett Ruffell   

AgAnnex Talks IWCA AG Women Watch & Listen

Manitoba-based Cheryle Warkentine has been immersed in agriculture from a young age. Growing up on a dairy farm, she developed a deep passion for farming that has only intensified over the years. Today, she is the Co-Owner of Aletta Holsteins, a dynamic livestock operation that includes dairy cattle, hogs, and laying hens.

Nominated for her innovative farming practices and exceptional leadership, Warkentine’s contributions to agriculture are widely recognized. She has played a pivotal role in modernizing the farm, implementing new technologies such as egg packers and rotary parlors to enhance efficiency. Her commitment to sustainability is evident in the farm’s adoption of unique bubblers to address environmental challenges.

In addition to her work on the farm, Warkentine is deeply involved in her community. She has managed numerous sports teams, served on her church’s leadership team, and initiated various volunteer programs, including food drives and camps. Her dedication to giving back is a testament to her generous spirit and strong sense of community.

In this episode, Warkentine chats with agriculture editor Brett Ruffell about her journey in agriculture, the challenges and rewards of running a diversified farm, and the importance of innovation and community involvement in sustaining a successful agricultural business.


Special thanks to Bayer Crop Science Canada, platinum sponsor of the 2024 Influential Women in Canadian Agriculture program, for sponsoring this series.

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