Canadian Poultry Magazine

Research Sponsorship Program

By CPRC   

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CPRC Update - September 2012

The CPRC is an industry-led organization with a mandate to support poultry research in Canada through funding, communication of research results and research-related activities, such as co-ordinating conferences and meetings on industry research priorities. CPRC has a number of projects underway in addition to our regular activities and two of these are now complete.

CPRC takes great pleasure in announcing our new Research Sponsorship Program that has been initiated with the support of Aviagen Inc., our inaugural sponsor. Sponsor contributions will be used to enhance member organization annual funding to support the increasing demand for industry research funds. For example, this year’s CPRC call for Letters of Intent generated 34 submissions compared to 29 in 2011 and 18 five years ago. Requests for CPRC project funding this year totalled more than $1.75 million, supporting $7.75 million in total research, while this year’s core funding budget is $300,000. Government funding organizations are increasingly looking to industry funding to show a commitment to research and ensure that funds are allocated to address industry priorities.

A recent review of CPRC-funded research projects showed that all parts of the poultry value chain benefit from the discoveries, including producers, feed suppliers, animal health care companies and professionals, processors, distributors, and consumers. The Research Sponsorship Program provides a simple method for all industry stakeholders to support ongoing poultry research that benefits us all.

CPRC’s Research Sponsorship Program offers a range of support levels to allow industry stakeholders to choose a sponsorship option that fits their budget. Details of the Research Sponsorship Program, sponsor benefits and an application can be found on our website at CPRC’s board and member organizations thank Aviagen Inc. for its leadership in supporting Canadian poultry research.


Development of the National Research Strategy for Canada’s Poultry Sector is another major endeavour that CPRC has co-ordinated over the past few years. The strategy was developed with input from industry, the research community and other stakeholders. CPRC and its member organizations held several meetings seeking input to the strategy, including a conference in May 2010 that brought together industry representatives, researchers and government to discuss research issues, opportunities and challenges. Follow-up workshops and discussions were held with national and provincial industry organizations through CPRC’s member organizations and their board representatives.

A draft strategy was circulated among industry this spring for review, with comments to be incorporated in the final document. The National Research Strategy for Canada’s Poultry Sector was approved by the CPRC board in July and is available at under the “Strategic Planning” heading. The strategy is a “living document” that will be reviewed regularly and updated as required. The updated report will also be available on CPRC’s website.

The strategy is designed as a general roadmap to help guide Canadian poultry research efforts over the next several years. Its focus is based on co-operation, co-ordination and communication, so that all those involved in Canadian poultry research are working together to develop the most effective and efficient research system possible.

The strategy identifies research goals that the industry has identified as important under themes including economic viability, genetics, food safety, antimicrobials, poultry health and welfare, environment, functional and innovative products, and poultry feedstuffs. The goals will help funding organizations identify projects that will move us closer to achieving industry objectives.


While the document includes a discussion of the approach that will be followed to implement the strategy, it is not a detailed action plan. Part of the implementation is to develop one that is acceptable to industry and is realistic. This will include a governance structure, methods for updating the strategy to respond to changes and opportunities, and identifying the stakeholder responsibilities in the strategy implementation and administration.

For more details on any CPRC activities, please contact the Canadian Poultry Research Council, 350 Sparks Street, Suite 1007, Ottawa, Ontario K1R 7S8, phone: 613-566-5916, fax: 613-241-5999, e-mail:, or visit us at n

The membership of the CPRC consists of the Chicken Farmers of Canada, the Canadian Hatching Egg Producers, the Turkey Farmers of Canada, the Egg Farmers of Canada and the Canadian Poultry and Egg Processors’ Council. CPRC’s mission is to address its members’ needs through dynamic leadership in the creation and implementation of programs for poultry research in Canada, which may also include societal concerns. CPRC’s new contact information is available at

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