Canadian Poultry Magazine

UPDATE: Minister Ritz accepts Movember challenge

By Marketwire   

Features Farmer Health/Safety Health Business/Policy Canada

UPDATE (Nov. 6, 2012) – Minister Gerry Ritz has raised over $7,000 in the first week of his Movember campaign. However, more donations are needed to meet this year’s target of $25,000. Donations can be made as individuals or collectively as organizations to Minister Ritz’s Movember Canada campaign online (link here),or you can reference Gerry Ritz and Registration # 2736566 and send it to: Movember Canada, 119 Spadina Avenue, PO Box 65, Toronto, ON M5T 2T2.

Canada’s poultry and egg farmers challenged Minister Ritz to once again shave his moustache in support of prostate cancer awareness and men’s mental health. Campaign supporters include Chicken Farmers of Canada, Canadian Hatching Egg Producers, Egg Farmers of Canada and Turkey Farmers of Canada.

“Last year, Minister Ritz helped raise over $15,000 for prostate cancer research so we decided to up the ante,” said Dave Janzen, Chair of Chicken Farmers of Canada. “This year we’re hoping to raise $25,000 in support of prostate cancer and mental health research by getting him to remove his moustache. This campaign presents us with the opportunity to show urbanites how rural Canada can step up to the plate in support of a national initiative that affects all Canadians.”

The idea builds on last year’s successful campaign by Minister Ritz which topped out at just over $16,500.


“While I have accepted this challenge, I’m hopeful that this year’s steep fundraising goal will keep my moustache firmly in place,” said Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz. “Although, it’s clear that Canadian farmers and processors deliver the best food in the world, we’re raising the stakes to see if they can remain the best fundraisers too.”

“We are proud to step forward and work together in support of prostate cancer and men’s mental health awareness,” said Jack Greydanus, Chair of Canadian Hatching Egg Producers. “Thank you to Minister Ritz for agreeing to participate again this year. Farmers from coast to coast are challenged to step forward in support of this fundraising project for these two great causes.”

Movember is the public awareness campaign held each November to promote prostate cancer awareness and male mental health. According to Prostate Cancer Canada, 1 in 7 men will be diagnosed with a form of prostate cancer, making it the most common cancer among Canadian men. One out of five Canadians will experience a mental illness in their lifetime and the remaining four will have a family member or colleague who will.

Donations can be made to Minister Ritz’s Movember Canada campaign online, or you can reference Gerry Ritz and Registration # 2736566 and send it to: Movember Canada, 119 Spadina Avenue, PO Box 65, Toronto, ON M5T 2T2.


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